13 May 2011 - Stand out like the professionals in Honda's all new, custom designed High-Vis Vest. Utilising Reflexite reflective tape which is the brightest retro-reflective technology available, this vest will ensure high visibility at night and in adverse weather conditions.

Vests with Reflexite tapes are worn by emergency service workers, police, fire fighters and road maintenance staff. Honda's new High-Vis Vest features this Reflexite tape on a vented black mesh vest and is sure to be popular with everyone keen to seek the best visibility available. The use of black mesh enables the Reflexite tapes to stand out while allowing the whole vest to remain a little more low-key than the traditional bright orange or yellow vests.

Reflexite provides night time long distance visibility and is the brightest retro-reflective technology, delivering the highest standard of reflection due to its revolutionary microprismatic reflective technology.

Retro-reflection occurs when light rays are returned in the direction from which they came. A large amount of reflected light is returned directly towards the original light source, i.e. car headlights.

Retaining nearly all the reflectivity even when drenched with rain, Reflexite tape is ahead of other technologies which can lose as much as 80% of reflectivity when wet.

Honda's new High-Vis Vest features adjustable velcro side closures and a front zip, it is abrasion and wash resistant and is easy to stow as it comes with its own storage pouch.

The new Honda High-Vis Vest with Reflexite tape is available from Honda Dealers nationally and retails at $30.


Dealer Locator: 1 300 1 HONDA

Media Contact:

Glyn Griffiths
Marketing Manager Motorcycles
Motorcycles Division Honda Australia Motorcycle and Power Equipment Pty Ltd
Telephone: (+613) 9270 1115
Mobile: (+61) 447 518 471
Facsimile: (+613) 9357 0826
Email: GGriffiths@hondampe.com.au

Emma Kershaw
Coordinator Public Relations
Honda Australia Motorcycle and Power Equipment Pty Ltd
Telephone: (+613) 9270 1183
Facsimile: (+613) 9357 0826
Website: www.honda.com.au
Email: EKershaw@hondampe.com.au

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